During the period spanning from October 2021 to April 2023, I embarked on a valuable internship within the communication department of the esteemed Museum of Contemporary Art Luxembourg. Over the course of this immersive six-month experience, I undertook a diverse range of responsibilities, including the creation of promotional materials such as flyers, leaflets, and large-scale banners, as well as the development of comprehensive communication and design strategies.
As the internship progressed, I gradually earned greater levels of trust and responsibility, ultimately being entrusted with the esteemed role of the main graphic lead during an exhibition. Collaborating closely with the artists and curators, I had the privilege of translating their artistic vision into visually compelling designs that seamlessly complemented the exhibition's narrative. This invaluable opportunity allowed me to refine my skills, deepen my understanding of effective communication processes within a museum setting, and contribute to the overall success of the exhibition.
My time at the Museum of Contemporary Art Luxembourg was truly transformative, both personally and professionally. It provided an enriching platform to grow and thrive within the realms of communication and design, fostering my development as a creative professional. I am grateful for the experiences and responsibilities I undertook, which have undoubtedly shaped my career trajectory and solidified my passion for visual storytelling in the art world.
(These pictures were taken during a seminar about creative product photography at the university of arts and design Karlsruhe)